Apparently when it comes to giving away free seeds and gifts I need a…
Free Seeds and Gift Disclaimer!

I, Brenda Dyck, at Guerrilla Garden Adventures believe in sharing the bounty of harvested and swapped seeds by gifting them throughout the gardening season as a way to make the world a greener place. However some people are just gardening A$$holes looking to make a buck from the generosity of other people or organizations.
Seeds, seed bombs, plants and other items are regularly gifted from Guerrilla Garden Adventures to random people and have been known to happen by mail, in person, a possible drive by, a porch drop or even via A FREE SEED MAILBOX, A CARIBOO SEED DROP or by asking WHAT”S IN THE FREE SEED BAG!

All seed and related gifting opportunities are posted as they happen on the Guerrilla Garden Adventures Facebook page and will include a link (or a paper copy) to the following disclaimer to which the seed giftee must read and agree to prior to accepting free seeds or any other gifted items by Brenda Dyck/Guerrilla Garden Adventures..


Limitation of Warranty and Liability and Use Restriction
Any person(s) (collectively the “User”) who handles, receives, opens or accepts any plants, seeds, seed bombs or gifts in any way, shape or form from Brenda Dyck and/or Guerrilla Garden Adventures thereby accepts and agrees to this Limitation of Warranty and Liability and Use Restriction (“Agreement”) between the “User” and Brenda Dyck/Guerrilla Garden Adventures.

Acceptance of Terms:
“User” agrees to take full responsibility and total liability for any issues occurring from the use, planting or handling of  any plants, seeds, seed bombs or gifts in any way, shape or form given out by Brenda Dyck/Guerrilla Garden Adventures. This is not limited to but may include medical, financial, legal, ethical, moral, incidental, consequential, or exemplary issues/damages/charges/fines related to the gifting of any plants, seeds, seed bombs or gifts. Especially if it pertains to Guerrilla Gardening.

Note: Some of even the most common plants and seeds can be invasive or even poisonous and it is the “User’s” sole responsibility to avoid any potential liability by conducting a thorough research of the risks involved prior to planting any type of seeds or plants or accepting any gifts. Also seeds (or plants) may at times carry seed borne diseases or pests that may not be apparent at the time of seed collection or plant gifting and this risk is reflected in the price of the seed/plants (It’s FREE!).

Bottom line is that “User” agrees to never hold Guerrilla Garden Adventures accountable or liable for anything related to the gift of free plants, seeds, seed bombs or any other type of gift received from Guerrilla Garden Adventures.
It’s a gift after all!
If “User” Does not accept these terms, “User” must return the plant, seed, seed bombs or gift in the original unopened packages to Guerrilla Garden Adventures within 30 days of receipt!

And that is all I have to say about that!