Confessions of an Alleged Seed Porn Addict

Non-Rule #6: The Internet is the Guerrilla Gardener’s Best Friend!
Especially when it comes to seed catalogues.

I must confess that on these last few days before Christmas, in between decorating the house and doing some Christmas baking, I have been guilty of feeding an online addiction. That’s right, I have been sneaking off every chance I get to check out this year’s selection of online seed catalogues. I try to be satisfied with the online content as it is a greener option, however sometimes the lure of a FREE, full color, glossy seed catalogue that can be delivered to my home for my viewing pleasure simply cannot be resisted.

As a self aware seed addict with hoarding tenancies, I tend to justify my ordering of the new seed catalogues by calling them “Reference Materials”.  When the new ones finally arrive my old copies are carefully archived (stacked) throughout my home to be lovingly fondled and read again at my will.


Some people have mentioned to me that this obsession borders on what is commonly known as Seed Porn, but I can assure you that it is a much more passionate endeavor than that. Seed catalogues to gardeners are the equivalent of a Gardener’s Wish Book. You dream, you plan, you scheme, and you spend endless hours perusing catalogues trying to narrow down your choices, all the while hoping that your garden budget will outlast your gardening expectations. You try to rationalize the extra seed packets that you want to order (even though you have hundreds of seed packets in your possession already) because as a Guerrilla Gardener you have already started scoping out alternative garden spaces.

Even if you never order a single seed, the sheer joy of dreaming about your garden coupled with the inspiration you obtain by looking at the new seed catalogues will actually help to sustain you until spring arrives. Take my word for it, surfing the internet for seed catalogues or participating in that digital search for an elusive variety of plant that you have been lusting after will guarantee you hours of web surfing enjoyment.

However, it is almost Christmas and apparently NON-GARDEN THINGS NEED TO BE DONE!
Or so I am told.

I must admit that it had crossed my mind that maybe I should start my Christmas shopping soon as it is only a few days away, but it was a small thought and it passed very quickly. After all that’s what gift cards are for and that is why they are located by the grocery line checkouts. Christmas made simple– you’re welcome!

Now as far as my Husband and my Business Advisor Bruce are concerned I have been doing some extensive garden research for this article. My research includes a lot of viewing and ordering of seed catalogues, the googling of some seemingly unrelated content and more than a few questionable viewings and sharing of Facebook posts. There may have also been a little profile stalking on various web and social media sites such as LinkedIn, YouTube and Pinterest.

These actions are entirely necessary. I believe that my readers deserve to be informed. As a matter of fact I feel that it is my duty to connect and share any and all of the gardening dirt that I can dig up.
Yep…that’s my job!
I’m a Guerrilla Gardener who is a  Blogger, Writer and Humorist…and I love what I do.

So as part of my job I have assembled (for your viewing pleasure in the privacy of your own home) some of the more interesting/unusual garden websites that I found offering unique seed catalogues and plants that can be shipped to Canada.

Be warned these are not the usual type of seed offerings and that I will be in no way held accountable (see Disclaimer) for any Plant Porn Proceedings or Garden Budget Overages that might occur. Please also note that I have never ordered from any of these companies (and therefore cannot personally recommend or vouch for them) but I think they are definitely worth a peek…..



A small seasonal home based business located in Tsawwassen BC., that grows exotic outdoor Palms, Bananas, Bamboos, Eucalyptus, Gingers and other large, colorful, fragrant exotics  grown especially for the Pacific Northwest. The pictures of his jungle and cactus garden make it hard to believe that you are in BC and not some exotic tropical country.


Known as the rare plant specialist!
Located on Salt Spring Island, this company is a little expensive but has a lot of rare outdoor ferns, hardy orchids, grasses, shrubs, vines, trees and perennials. They also have the most varieties of Japanese double Flowering Hepatica (really rare and very expensive) that I’ve ever seen.



A mail order business that produces and sells hardy native and exotic seeds for ferns, aquatics, climbers and other plants that will grow in BC. They produce yearly retail and wholesale catalogues containing a wide selection of unusual herbaceous and woody plants.



Currently this company offers over 3,000 varieties of GMO Free seed from around the world and they will ship your order within 1-3 days. Unique Novelty Plant Seeds, over 50 varieties of Basil and for those of you trying to stay on budget a line of flower and vegetable seeds called GoodCents which sell for 95 cents a packet. Plus a ton of growing information that will make you want to bookmark this website in your browser.


Italian Vegetable, Flower and Herb Seeds.
In the early seventies Angelo Berton visited Italy on several occasions and each time returned to Canada with some seed packages to plant in his garden. This company now has over 150 varieties of garden Vegetable, herb and flower seeds, 95% of which still originate from Italy.



This company has been a unique source of oriental vegetable seeds that are not only packaged for the home grower but also available in bulk for commercial growers and seed distributors worldwide. Minimalist website but they do have Edible Chrysanthemums and Hairy Gourds so it definable worth a look.



Heritage Harvest Seed is a seed company specializing in truly rare and endangered heirloom vegetable varieties. The vegetables are grown using organic methods and harvested by hand.  Their FREE FULL COLOR CATALOGUE contains a wealth of information including detailed variety descriptions and histories that can be used as reference material……if you know what I mean.
Free pack of seed with every order.



This company is based out of California and is a leading source for rare, exotic seeds from around the world. These are not the type of seeds that you would normally find in any commercial seed catalogue and they are highly recommended for someone with an advanced gardener skill set.
I double checked with Mia Myers (the owner of SMART SEEDS) and they do ship to Canada. The prices seem really reasonable (not including shipping charges of course) and it could be the start of a really great seed adventure. If you ended up growing anything from this company’s unusual seed collection you would undoubtedly be granted the right to epic, undisputed garden bragging rights for life.



Wildflowers, butterflies and meadows.
If you have ever thought about turning your high maintenance lawn into a low maintenance meadow or contemplated letting the moss take over that shady spot in your yard because you’re tired of dealing with it then you will need to check out this online seed catalogue.
This site has excellent instructional videos and information on how to create a variety of natural eco-friendly landscaping solutions that will work in any environment. 
Not sure what to plant?
They also offer a free Seed Selector Tool where you can select the best seed for your property based on your site and specific growing conditions.



There are many new Canadian Permaculture enthusiasts out there looking for advice on how to do this type of food farming and this website sells food plants (fruit, nuts, berries) and carries Agroforestry Seeds that are adapted specifically for Canadian Permaculture applications. In other words it contains really Expensive Seed Porn for the Canadian Permaculture Crowd.  And that is all I got say about that!


So there you have it.
Seed Porn or a Gardener’s Wish Book…
Dare to take a look before you decide!


Christmas Safety Note:
Keep your seasonal plants out of reach from children and pets.
They may or may not be poisonous and it is your job to make sure that you keep both the pets and the kids alive
……and besides who wants bite marks on their poinsettias.

Wishing you a safe, warm and happy Christmas

Brenda Dyck
A Guerrilla Gardener on an Adventure!



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